
Pre-Marital Counseling

Pre-Marital counseling is not couples therapy, and is not designed to dive into all of your deep issues.  Instead, the goal is to give you the tools to build a really fantastic marriage.  The average married couple waits six long years before they seek professional help for marital problems, and by then the problems can be severe. Most divorces happen by the 7th year, so don’t be part of the statistic!
Pre-Marital counseling, like all therapeutic treatments, will vary greatly upon the couple being counseled, but there are a few common traits.Begin your marriage with tools for success. Two lives coming together is no small feat, no matter how well you know each other.
Here are some of the awesome things you learn in pre-marital counseling:
Successful communication
Listening effectively and communicating are not innate skills for most people. Learning how to communicate well with your partner is invaluable.
Discuss role expectations
Who will do what?  You’d be surprised what you haven’t talked about: jobs, finances, chores, sexual intimacy, children, where you spend important holidays…
Effective conflict resolution
Conflict arises over little things like walking the dog to more serious issues like money. There are effective ways to de-escalate problems and to know and love each other so well that you change behaviors to prevent conflict.

