A flower girl is a participant in a wedding procession. Like ring bearers and page boys, flower girls are usually members of the bride's or bridegroom's extended family, but may also be friends.
Her male equivalent is the ring bearer or page boy. Often the ring bearer and the flower girl are dressed to look like a couple, and they may be dressed in miniature versions of the bride's and bridegroom's clothes.Something to keep in mind when choosing the perfect flower girl dress is formality. The formality of her dress will depend on the formality of the wedding. If you are having your wedding on the beach, then your flower girl’s dress should be something in light and airy colors, such as pastels (light pinks, blues, yellows, etc.) and simple designs. If you are having your wedding in a ballroom setting, then you want to pick a fancy dress for your flower girl. Just keep in mind that no matter how formal or informal your wedding is, you want to keep your flower girl very comfortable so everything goes smoothly on your day.